Love Sri Lanka Explore

4 Sunrise Spots For The Early Bird

Although the thought of waking up before dawn when you’re on holiday sounds the least bit enticing, when you’re travelling through Sri Lanka you have to catch a sunrise at least once before you leave. So, if you do decide to wake up on time, here is a list of the best sunrise spots on the island.

1. Trincomalee

Trinco is located on the North East coast of Sri Lanka and it offers some of the most beautiful sunrises; we recommend you either visit Marble Beach or Dutch Bay Beach. Marble Beach is actually more of a bay rather than a long strip of beach, it has clear blue-green waters and when the sun shines bright it reflects off the water like marbles. The beach is bookended by jungle and is the perfect place to peacefully catch the sunrise. If you have a bit more time to spare, don’t miss out on visiting these three places that are perfect for a solo adventurer.

2. Arugam Bay

Best known for being a surfer’s paradise, Arugam Bay has wormed its way into the hearts of many a traveller. Despite being one of the most popular tourist destinations- especially during its peak season- Arugam Bay has managed to retain some of that rustic beachside charm, with the main road running parallel to the coast and a number of beachfront properties and cafes dotted along on the beach. Whiskey Point is a great place to watch both the sunrise and sunset and to make it even better there will definitely be a group of like-minded people to watch the sunset with you.

3. Batticaloa

Batticaloa, or Batti as it is more fondly known, often gets forgotten, overshadowed by other better-known attractions in the area like Pasikudah. However, Batti should be a place to visit in its own right. We highly recommend catching the sunrise from the old Dutch Fort built in the 17th century; as much of the original structure still stands, making it a very tranquil and historic spot. When you start the day super early, you’ll have the rest of the day to explore the best of the east coast.

4. Hatton

Unlike all the other spots mentioned, Hatton is set apart from the rest because it’s in the hills, serving up some epic sunrises. There two places which we love: Adam’s Peak for the more adventurous and Little Adam’s Peak for the people who prefer a longer lie in. Adam’s Peak is a sacred place for people of all religions and many make a pilgrimage to the peak which takes about 2 – 4 hours depending on your pace. Even though it seems a little daunting going on a 4-hour hike for sunrise, trust us, the view from the top makes it worthwhile. If not, Little Adam’s Peak is a great option which gives you stunning views for minimal effort.

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